Op. Dr. Bahar Kayahan Sirkeci
With the advancement of age, natural and artificial factors cause the skin to lose its old appearance. Medical aesthetic applications offer treatment without the need to go under the knife. The biggest advantage of these applications is that they do not require a long recovery period and return to daily life in a short time.
One of the most frequently used methods within the scope of medical aesthetic applications is Botulinum toxin injection. Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein formed by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It causes soft paralysis in muscles by preventing the release of substances that provide transmission from nerve endings. Medically, it was first used in the treatment of strabismus and when it was observed that the wrinkles around the eyes opened, its use for aesthetic purposes started. This injection is used to reduce and/or prevent the formation of wrinkles on the face caused by the movements of the mimic muscles, to reduce complaints of teeth clenching and migraine disorders, and to reduce sweating in excessive sweating areas.
Botulinum toxin injection is frequently used to alleviate the lines on the face, especially the lines between the forehead and eyebrows, the crow’s-feet-like fine lines that occur in the corners of the eyes and the vertical lines on the neck that become prominent with age. In order to get good results, it is very important that the muscle and skin tissue are tightly connected to each other. For this reason, in these injections started at a late age, even if the muscle does not move, the lines sitting on the skin may not be fully opened (in such cases, satin filling applications are used after the application).
Botulinum toxin is applied to 7 areas on the head and neck by injection with needle tips thinner than 31 injection points and it is not a painful procedure, a slight pain may be felt at the time of injection. When a decrease in the movements of the mimic muscles is desired, it is injected into the mimic muscles and when a decrease in sweating complaint is desired, it is injected into the skin. The effect of the application starts 3-4 days after the injection and becomes fully established within the first week and the duration of effect is 4-6 months. After the application, it may cause temporary swelling, bruising and rarely temporary drooping of the eyelid. The head should be kept elevated for about four hours after the application, avoid leaning forward and do not lie down. Approximately eight hours after the application, a shower can be taken with warm water and in a way that does not damage the face, that is, without scrubbing or pressure. Care should be taken to use cold water when washing the face.
Since botulinum toxin is destroyed over time, it should be redone in the 4th month after the first application. With regular applications, the need is interrupted (repetition periods such as 6 months, 8 months, once every 1 year may be sufficient). Considering the mimic use and genetic heritage of the patients, it is recommended to start applications between the ages of 25-30 in order to prevent aging.
Another method we use most frequently within the scope of medical aesthetic applications is injectable fillers. Injectable filler is a medical aesthetic procedure applied to reshape the loss of volume in the face as a result of the collapse of the bone structure in the face, collagen, elastin tissue and a decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid. Gel-like hyaluronic acid forms collagen in the dermis tissue.
Hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule found naturally in most living organisms. It acts as a lubricant by retaining water (binding up to 1000 times its volume) in moving parts of the body such as joints. It is also very important for regulating the water balance in the skin. Facial fillers containing hyaluronic acid do not displace or shift in the area where they are injected. Since they do not cause allergic reactions, they are frequently used to increase the volume of soft tissue.
The permanence of facial fillers varies according to their content and the density of cross-links. Fillers containing hyaluronic acid last between 8 months and 18 months. Fillers can be easily applied with local anesthesia through needles and cannulas. There is no healing process, you can return to your social life immediately afterwards.

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Specialist in ENT, rhinoplasty, otoplasty, sleep apnea, adenoid surgery and cancer surgery, Op. Dr. Bahar Kayahan Sirkeci.